How it works
Signing up for our Rewards program is free and easy! Create an account on our website, and with every purchase, you'll start earning points that you can redeem for discounts.
It doesn't get much easier than that.
For every dollar spent at Hawkers, you’ll earn points that you can redeem directly for coupons in $5, $10, $25, and $50 increments. Earn both online at our website and at our cellar door.
You will also have early access to pre-release beers and offers!
Ways to Earn
Create an Account
Earn 50 Points
Each Dollar Spent
Earn 1 Point
Like our page on Facebook
Earn 25 Points
Follow us on instagram
Earn 25 Points
Ways to redeem
$5 off
100 Points
$10 off
200 Points
$25 off
450 Points
$50 off
850 Points
Give $10, Get $10!
Give your friends a reward and claim your own when they make a purchase. All you have to do is login, click on your points, and then copy your very own referral code and share it with your friend. They’ll get a $10 off coupon, and you’ll get $10 when they order (order value of $100 or more)!
Hawkers Rewards is our loyalty program designed to reward you for taking your beer journey with us! Through the program, you will be eligible to earn points whenever you engage with Hawkers, such as making a purchase, referrals, and sharing your love for us on social media.
You can earn points via the following activities:
Sign Up: New customers who sign up for the program will get started with 50 points! If you have an existing account, no worries! Your rewards account is already working for you.
Purchases: All qualifying purchases earn points for every dollar.
Refer-a-Friend: You and your friend will both receive a $10 coupon for your purchase of $100 or more, once your friend completes their purchase. You can refer as many friends as you like!
Social love: Follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook for 25 points.
Perfect! You have automatically been enrolled in the Hawkers Rewards program.
Everyone! Just sign up for an account HERE and start earning points! Please note that one account is allowed per customer.
Click the Hawkers Rewards button on the lower right-hand corner of any page to be taken to your Hawkers Rewards homepage (please remember to login!). There, you can choose to redeem your points for coupons (in denominations of $5, $10, $25, or $50) valid towards a future Hawkers purchase. Redeem 100 points for a $5 coupon, 200 points for a $10 coupon, 450 points for a $25 coupon, and 850 points for $50.
Yes, all Cellar Door purchases earn points. You can also redeem points in-store for any purchase.
No, they do not, much like our unwavering love for beer will never expire.
In order for us to track your referrals, your friends must click on your unique referral link and then make their first purchase. We will only be able to identify you as the referring customer if your friends click your referral link and make a purchase from the same device. Once we've identified that the order is associated with your link, we'll then be able to distribute your rewards points.
Click on the Hawkers Rewards tab on the lower left-hand corner of any page and select the Home tab to see how many points you have accumulated.
Not to worry! Sometimes it takes our system a few minutes to process and apply points to your account. If you don’t see the points in your account after 24 hours, please email us at with your order number and we’ll take care of it for you!
Any points associated with that order will be deducted from your Hawkers Rewards account balance.
We’re sorry to see you go! If you would like to leave the Hawkers Rewards program, please email us at and we will deactivate your account. Please note that deactivating your account will cause you to lose any accrued points. You may re-enroll in the program at any time, however, your Rewards balance will reset to zero.
Contact us at with any questions or feedback!