Hawkers is a fiercely independent company, and with our unconditional commitment to spreading flavourful beer, we will never stop striving to achieve our goal of converting 100% of the market to drinking better beers.

Founded back in 2014 and launched in February 2015, the company's real roots actually extend much earlier. Mazen Hajjar, our founder, started the Middle East’s first craft brewery back in July 2006 during the war between Israel and Hizbollah. By the time he left, his old company was exporting beer to 26 different countries including Australia. It was after one of his trips to Australia hawking beers in a Sydney suburb that the decision to start a brewery in Australia was made. The Hawkers name is inspired by the street vendors that roamed Australia from the early days of the colony. Many early immigrants were hawkers as they needed little capital or skill to push a cart and earn a living. Their activities were critical for the health of many regional economies and they helped spread the colony further.
When we started brewing in February 2015, we were just 4 people. It’s been a wild and crazy ride to get where we are today, and we have seen astounding growth—in both our number and in our learning. Dozens of skilled and passionate people working together, day in and day out, make Hawkers the exceptional brewery that it is. We are lucky to have an all-star crew of talented and team-oriented co-workers who have come together to grow this company into a very special community. At the end of the day, it is our invaluable fans who believe in what we are doing as a company who inspire and motivate us to keep moving forward.