Using a science-based, completely infallible, rigourous interpolation of data based on the answers you've given, we've calculated your beersonality:

The Adventurer
You love to discover things before other people. In another time and place, you might have been an explorer at the frontier of new lands, or an inventor at the forefront of new technologies. Now, you’re at the forefront of the beer scene - people look to you to find out what’s good.
You know good beer. You’re of the mindset that the more different beers you try, the more you grow. Sure, you have your favourites, but you’re not set in your ways. Even if you occasionally stumble onto a beer you don’t love, it’s still a worthwhile experience because you’ve learned something new.
There’s a huge world out there. Why not try to discover as much of it as you can?

10 Years of Hawkers

Why White Stout is the Next Big Thing in Craft Beer